Ngwa 3 jikọtara ya na ihe ịchọ mma COMEY, na-enye ngwọta zuru oke maka ụdị ọnya pigmented 19.
Ụdị ọnya pigmented 19
Ota's Nevus, Ito's Nevus, Zygomaticus, Mongolian Spot, Pigment Nevus, Post-inflamma tory Hyperpigmentation, Seborrh, Seborrheic Keratosism, CALMS, Nevus, Melasma, Mela nosis, Lentigo, Freckles, Blue nevus, Nevus the Folk, Nevus the Folderosis ihu na olu, Porokeratosis.

Oge nzipu: Mee-13-2022